Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trickster Online Personality Quiz free essay sample

You can hide, throw landmines, and scare people with your amazing speed! You are a pure ninja fox – the thief master! You mastered the arts of hidden weapons, and now the techniques of ninja hiding! Sneak up to your opponents and surprise them!   You are a pure buffalo, the gladiator! Buffalos get AoEs, but that doesn’t mean they’re not strong! They can do more then 60,000 damage with the right equips! You are a pure bunny, the champion! Bunnies may seem harmless in the real world, but in trickster, they can do more then buffalos if prepared properly! They focus more on single targets!   You are a hybrid dragon – the wizard! You are the master of fire, lightning, and dark. We will write a custom essay sample on Trickster Online Personality Quiz or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The most strongest spells are from those elements! You are a hybrid dragon – the wizard! You are the master of wind, earth, and light. These elements have awesome AoEs and hot looking spells! You are a hybrid dragon – the wizard! You are the master of water, lightning, and dark. All these elements makes you quite the annoyer to monsters and other tricksters alike! You are a hybrid dragon – the wizard! You are the master of†¦. fire and earth? Although at first they don’t seem to compliment each other, but they just somehow work! Join the dark side for extra power, or the light side for more defensive spells! You are a hybrid dragon – the wizard! You are the master of wind and water! You can be fast or slow, weak or strong, or AoE and single target all in one! Join the dark side for extra power, or the light side for more defensive spells! You are a hybrid sheep – the witch! You are the master of fire, lightning, and dark. The most strongest spells are from those elements!   You are a hybrid sheep – the witch! You are the master of wind, earth, and light. These elements have awesome AoEs and hot looking spells!   You are a hybrid sheep – the witch! You are the master of water, lightning, and dark. All these elements makes you quite the annoyer to monsters and other tricksters alike!   You are a hybrid sheep – the witch! You are the master of†¦. fire and earth? Although at first they don’t seem to compliment each other, but they just somehow work! Join the dark side for extra power, or the light side for more defensive spells!   You are a hybrid sheep – the witch! You are the master of wind and water! You can be fast and slow, weak and strong, and AoE and single target all in one! Join the dark side for extra power, or the light side for more defensive spells! You are a priest, the holy dragon! God has given you the power to defend your party and yourself! But you can also pack quite a punch! It can be very hard for a trickster to take you down!   You are a dark lord, the evil dragon! You take down monsters with your black magic of doom†¦muahahahaha!   You are the sheep soul master! You take down enemies with fire and deadly lightning! These elements are very strong! You are the sheep soul master! You bend nature’s elements wind and earth to your will! Create earthquakes and tornadoes whenever you feel like it! Yay!   You are the sheep soul master! You control water and lightning, and when used together, you trap your enemy! Keep attacking them to stop them from moving until they die!   You are the sheep soul master! You turn land to lava, and rocks to muddy swamps! Dirty and burn your enemies down!   You are the sheep soul master! You use water and wind as your elements of choice. Have a picnic in the middle of a war by protecting yourself with whirlwinds and freezing your enemies! You are a lion – or the mad scientist! You have mastered the gun and now you can go crazy and shoot monsters and tricksters down! Muahahahaha! You are a hybrid lion – the cyber hunter! You act as a ninja and throw hidden weapons! You can throw it wide, or single, or multiple, or chain†¦. whatever you like!   You are a hybrid lion – the cyber hunter! But you didn’t go cyber hunter for throwing weapons! No! You went hybrid because you felt like it! I went for this job, and I didn’t regret it one little bit! You are a hybrid lion – the cyber hunter! But you didn’t go cyber hunter for throwing weapons! No! You went hybrid because you want the extra luck to make you damage excel others! Good luck! You are a hybrid fox, the hunter lord! You add all you points into accuracy and get gun skills. You are the girl of a hybrid sense!   You are the duke of trickster, the hybrid raccoon! You can transform into a deadly werewolf! And you can also†¦dance? Wow! A dancing werewolf!   You are a gambler, the pure raccoon! You don’t just gamble for money, you gamble to defeat enemies by throwing cards! More deadly than paper cuts!   You are a card throwing diva! You are the hybrid cat that not only throws cards, but turns into a werecat! Rip those enemies apart! Go, go, go!   You are a singing diva hybrid cat! Sing for your life! Sing for your teammates! Sing to kill monsters! Sing to†¦. you get the idea.   You are the pure cat – primadonna! Wink at magic types to stop them from casting spells, then two-step dance them while they’re disabled! Slap, slap, kick!   You are the very few†¦slapping magic types? You do incredibly high damage? You can heal yourself? And cast magic at will? Wow, you must have high determination to get through this character!

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